Abigail Gregory

Abigail Gregory is a 2010 graduate of the Tasmanian School of Art.

This body of work was initiated by an intense interest in dress and how it shapes identity. From the initial ideas surrounding dress, identity and disguise my work shifted to gradually focus upon how the individual functions within society. The concept of dress was eliminated to be replaced with the functions of camouflage, influence and manipulation; elements that society forces upon individuals daily.

As a result the work has come to embody the concept that individuals are simply a construct of society, shaped and influenced by their surroundings and interactions with others. The manner in which the work was articulated shifted with the alteration of the concept. The work became increasingly abstracted and focused upon how form, colour and line could be used to create visual discord to communicate the flexible nature of social identity. From a far reaching theme of dress, the project became an investigation into my own construction of self-identity within society and my daily feeling of discord as I navigate the external environment. – Abigail Gregory