Cristina Palacios

Cristina Palacios is an Argentine born artist that works and lives in Tasmania. She migrated to Australia in 1987, moving to Tasmania to complete her Master in Fine Art and Design at The University of Tasmania. She has participated in many international group exhibitions including art destinations such as The Louvre Museum – Paris, Venice Biennale- Italy, Times Square – New York, and Tokyo Japan. She has had great success with a multitude of commissioned artworks as well as being finalist at many national art prizes.  ORIGENES 2018, will be Cristina’s 14TH solo exhibition.


She who dreams in the dark hours of the night with far away worlds comes upon. In the abstract language of the mind, the path unknown mysterious universes, finding herself travelling into the mesmerizing luminosity of the cosmic womb…’
Cristina Palacios
‘13.7..’, 2023, body of works refer to my ongoing investigation about the beginning of time 13.7 billion years ago.

The source of my inspiration refers to ‘Pachamama’, she is a sacred cosmic living being and a feminine God that is fertile and nurturing. In south American mythology ‘Pacha” represents infinity, the feminine spirit of force, the ‘Cosmos’, the devine and the sacred. “Mama’ means mother, therefore, ‘Pachamama’ is Earth Mother.
The infinite aspect is often represented using circles with no beginning and no end. This endless circle has captured my interest and attention. The circle and the spiral form represents the universe, evolution and the spiritual growth throughout our lives. The circle is am important motif throughout my research because it symbolises unity, infinity and wholeness. I believe that all life starts as a dot in the universe, a single cell or atom that transforms into matter, energy and sometimes..humanity.

Cristina Palacios

ORIGENES 2018 (ORIGIN), refers to the idea of the beginning of life in the universe.

I believe that all life starts as a dot or particle in the universe, a single cell or atom that transforms into ‘prima materia’, energy and sometimes humanity.

This body of work explores my cultural, political, spiritual and personal beliefs are grounded in Pachamama, (Mother Universe in South American mythology). Pachamama is a sacred cosmic living being and a feminine god that is fertile and nurturing.

There are two aspects of inquiry within my work.  One is spontaneous and intuitive, responding to the environment I am in and the materials I work with.  The other aspect of my practice is a more controlled way of working. I get lost in the making and into a meditative state.

With the use of many materials and techniques, my approach is interdisciplinary.  I use whatever I feel communicates most strongly the effects that our immateriality, temporality and impermanence has on our environment.’ – Cristina Palacios, 2018