Isabelle Chouinard

Isabelle is a contemporary realist painter living in Hobart, Australia. Isabelle trained in the atelier style at Julian Ashton Art School in Sydney where she also taught still life and figure painting classes. She also studied at the Atelier de Bresoles in Montreal, Canada and in France at Studio Escalier with Timothy Stotz and Nicole Michelle Tully. She has been a finalist in many competitions, including the Mosman Art Prize, Sydney, the Eutick Memorial Still Life Award in Coffs Harbour, the A.M.E. Bale Travelling Scholarship and Art Prize in Melbourne and the Doug Moran Portrait Prize. More recently she won 3rd place in the Portrait Society of America Member Only competition in the Still Life category and in 2021 she was awarded the Henry Jones Art Prize for a her painting By the River.

Isabelle Chouinard

By the river is a portrait of Bianca Michael who is an artist and a former student of mine. When composing my work I am often inspired by art history, and for this one I looked at Arthur Streeton and loosely based the background landscape on one of his paintings. However, the pose and the lighting has probably more to do with renaissance portraiture where the sitter is placed in front of an idealised landscape.

Isabelle Chouinard’s By the river is the winner of the 2021 Henry Jones Art Prize.