Trish Verdouw

Trish Verdouw is a visual artist based in Hobart Tasmania. She uses drawing, printmaking and installation to explore social issues that are relevant to society today. She endeavours to represent the vulnerability and the fragility of humanity and the delicate balance of the environment. In essence, her work is a reflection of life.
Trish completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (printmaking) University of Tasmania School of Art in 2011, a Master of Fine Art and Design (drawing)2013 and a bachelor of Fine Art with Honours (Drawing) 2018.
Trish exhibited in both solo and group exhibitions within Tasmania and was part of a group exhibition in Italy. Trish has been a finalist in The Henry Jones Art Prize 2021, 2022 and 2023, and a finalist in The Bay of Fires 2019 and The Birchalls Art Prize 2010. Trish was the winner of the Birchall’s Art Prize in 2012.
Trish has undertaken an art residency at Arte Studi Ginestrelle, Assisi Italy 2014 and an artist in residence (AIR) at the UTAS School of Art in 2019.

Entanglements: The Lines of Pipe Clay Lagoon

Trish uses the process of walking and drawing to become part of ‘Place’. The repetition of line and form are key factors evoking rhythm and movement, accentuation patterns and incorporating the intertwining line of her walk with all inhabitants that live on the tidal line. Trish conveys both the macrocosm and microcosm of Pipe Clay Lagoon which is situated on the South Arm Peninsula, by using charcoal, ink and liquid graphite. She does this by identifying the connection between herself and the sea snails who are collaborators in her work and the driftwood from a coastal shrub that has natural curves mimicking the pattern of her walk.
Being immersed and connected to place is important for Trish as she interprets her observations through this body of work. It is the natural world that is an inspiration as it is always in flux, always moving and evolving.