Wayne Brookes

Brookes is a painter and educator who has been practicing and exhibiting in Hobart for more than two decades. In that time he has built up a reputation as a talented and highly collected artist, a passionate scholar and one of Hobart’s favourite personalities. Brookes is a graduate of the Tasmanian School of Art. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Art, a Masters of Fine Art, and in February 2009 was awarded a PhD, all at the Tasmanian School of Art.

All artwork

Brookes is a painter and educator who has been practicing and exhibiting in Hobart for more than two decades. In that time he has built up a reputation as a talented and highly collected artist, a passionate scholar and one of Hobart’s favourite personalities. Brookes is a graduate of the Tasmanian School of Art. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Art, a Masters of Fine Art, and in February 2009 was awarded a PhD, all at the Tasmanian School of Art.

This may not be reality, but it is the parking spot next to it.

The space beneath this canopy encourages the navigation of personal agendas. The ocular encounter is merely the beginning of the adventure. While the extreme focal opus can be unbalancing, the codes are consistent; power radiates hierarchically from the centre earthwords, right down to your foot on that rung. The optical collision between architecture, stucco and anamorphic device begins my narrative…it is collage, it is abstract realism, it is awkward and it is confusing…I recognise that my replications are only postcard facsimilies of the actual space. But I look on them as a sort of Chinese Whisper, full of quotations that can be interpreted and misinterpreted by the viewer. I see the Quadratura awning existing in a parallel slipstream to the digital annexe of the Imax. And because the material I use is acrylic, I assume that I’m actually a plastic surgeon.
– Wayne Brookes